Meeting Agenda
Attendees: Clarice Ford-Kulah, Diana Freeman, Julie Horner, Antionette Brown-Waithe
I. Call to order
We did not have minutes from the last meeting. We will read an approve the meeting minutes during our next meeting on October 18, 2021. conducted a roll call. The following persons were present:
Clarice Ford-Kulah, Diana Freeman, Julie Horner, Antionette Brown-Waithe
II. Approval of minutes from last meeting
We did not have minutes from the last meeting. We will read an approve the meeting minutes during our next meeting on October 18, 2021.
III. Open issues
a) Teacher of the Year…Clarice Ford- Kulah picked up the checks and will deliver it tomorrow to Tricia Real. The amounts were $100.00 for the grand prize winner and two $50 checks for the second and third runner ups respectively.
b) Website – Once everyone approves the website, we will make the website live. The target date will be September 24, 2021.
c) Miss. Brookwood – The Co-Presidents, Mr. Ford and the new pageant director will meet. Clarice will email them tonight to arrange a meeting.
d) Treasury Report – Diana will send us a copy of the treasury report. She has paid the dues for Area 1 and Georgia State PTSA to ensure we stay in compliance. Diana also mentioned we need to check the deadline for the approval of the budget. Antionette said she would email Trica and Area ! to check deadlines.
IV. New business
a) Committee Chairs – We agreed the presidents will meet with the committee chairs and get them started on their tasks. Antionette will email the interested parties to arrange a meeting ASAP.
b) Reflections – The reflections art contest ends on September 28, 2021. We will have community judges help with the contest. Antionette Will send an email to teachers to check the progress of the submissions.
c) Other Issues: sending flowers to Megan’s Family – We agreed to use $50.00 from the Sunshine Fund to buy flowers for Megan’s Family. Clarice will handle the purchase and delivering the flowers.
V. Adjournment
Facilitator Name adjourned the meeting at time : 8:25
Minutes submitted by: Antionette Brown-Waithe
Minutes approved by: Name