Meeting Agenda
Attendees: Clarice Ford- Kulah, Antionette Brown-Waithe, Alexis Harsh, Diane Freeman, Julie Horner
I. Call to order
Clarice Ford-Kulah called to order the regular meeting of the Brookwood High School PTSA at 7:01 pm.
II. Roll call
Secretary Name Attendees:Clarice Ford- Kulah, Antionette Brown-Waithe, Alexis Harsh, Diane Freeman, Julie Horner
III. Approval of minutes from last meeting
The meeting minutes will be approved by net meeting.
IV. Open issues
a) Miss Brookwood - Cynthia will take over Miss Brookwood. She has all the information. November 9 will be the first meeting with the parents and participants.
b) Reflections – Recap of the reflections contest. We only had two participants and five entries. We discussed some ways to improve next year. Some suggestions were: more visibility, promoted on website and in the school social media.
c) Emails/website – The new website is up and running. We discussed dedicated mailboxes and how tasks will be divided up. Each person will make sure they check their sites daily.
V. New business
a) New Tasks and duties- We discussed how each person would pick a task. Antionette will send out a sheet so that everyone can spearhead a committee. We talked about sweet treats for the teachers before Thanksgiving break. We will purchase cupcakes from Sam’s and pass them out to the teachers. Clarice will check with Principal Ford to see if 11/5 or 11/12 would be acceptable.
b) Fundraisers- My Brick – We will have a counter that shows the progress. Alexis will contact Lisa Sperling to see if we can add the information to Saddle Up. She will also check to see if she we can place an ad on the senior social media pages.
c) School Liaison- Clarice will contact Trica Real and Principal Ford about a new liaison tomorrow 10/19.
d) Treasurer report- Diana said she will write a check for August Memberships which totaled August 42 members @3.57 for a total of 157.50 and September for 73 members @ 3.75 for a total of 157.50.
VI. Adjournment
Clarice Ford-Kulah adjourned the meeting at 7:36 pm.
Minutes submitted by: Antionette Brown-Waithe
Minutes approved by: