Brookwood High School |Minutes
Meeting date | time 1/24/2022 | 6: 00 PM to 6:40 | Meeting location Zoom
Meeting called by
Antionette Brown-Waithe
Type of meeting
Executive Board Meeting
Antionette Brown-Waithe
Note taker
Antionette Brown-Waithe
Principal Bo Ford Alexis Harsh
Julie Horner Megan Wilson
Diane Freeman Antionette Brown-Waithe
Erin Thompson
Agenda topics
Time allotted | 0 Min | Agenda topic:Reading of last Month’s minutes Presenter: Discussion/conversation: We did not meet during the month of December, so there are no minutes to report.
Conclusion Closing
Action items
Person responsible
No Action Items
Time allotted | 10 Min | Agenda topic:Treasure’s Report| Presenter:
Discussion: We looked at the budget provided by Diana Freeman. There were no concerns or changes that needed to be made. The budget for January will be updated as soon as all the monies for Miss Brookwood has been tallied. New deposits from MyPayments Plus will also be added.
Conclusion Closing
Action items
Person responsible
Presenter Name
Date | time
Time allotted | 15 Min | Agenda topic:General Updates | Presenter: Antionette Waithe
· GA Articles of Incorporation has opened. The PTSA has until April 1st to complete in order to stay in compliance.
· Georgia PTA is moving all business over to MemberHub. The Brookwood PTSA website will now be hosted through MemberHub, as well as newsletters, fundraisers, and correspondence.
· MyPayments Plus will officially end on May 1st. All check requests should be made by May 30th. Alexis Harsh asked if it will affect the Senior signs/breakfast payments, but it was concluded that most payments are made before then.
· The nominating committee was elected at the Miss Brookwood pageant. The committee consists of Alexis Harsh, Julie Horner, and Megan Wilson.
Conclusion Closing
Action items
Person responsible
Confirm Senior sign payments through my payments plus
Confirm the rules for the nomination committee/send Area 1 PPT to exec committee
Time allotted | 30 Min | Agenda topic:General Updates| Presenter: Principal Ford
Discussion/conversation: Brookwood has created a climate of inclusiveness by instituting a culture of belonging at Brookwood. Faculty and staff at Brookwood have been actively engaging students at multiple points of entry to ensure that each and everyone feels at home and accepted. Although physics and algebra two could be improved, Brookwood has placed in 1st and 2nd place in district assessments across multiple areas.
Principle Ford suggested that in lieu of the February Sweet Treats, that the PTSA co-sponsor the snow cone truck for the March digital learning day for faculty and staff. It was unanimously agreed that we will.
The annual PTSA grants to the school was discussed. We will issue the $5000.00 teacher grant in March. We will issue the annual technology grant the spring. This grant is usually between 10 – 15 thousand dollars on average. Once we tally all of the Miss Brookwood monies, we will see how much the grant will be.
Principal Ford also suggested a spring PTSA Mixer that the school will host. We will check with him for dates.
Action items
Person responsible
Confirm dates for Spring PTSA Social
Confirm with Trica Real about dates for March Digital Learning Day
Time allotted | 15 Min | Agenda topic:Miss Brookwood| Presenter: Annabel Flunker
Discussion/conversation: The pageant was a success. Mrs. Ellen and Principal Ford discussed the Miss Brookwood pageant, and it was suggested going forward Mrs. Ellen would coordinate the pageant. All other logistics will be handled (judges, interviews, prizes) by the PTSA. The total money that was raised was 20???. Monies are still being totaled and Diana Freeman will have a final count by the end of the week. Raised the most money..???
Conclusion Closing
Action items
Person responsible
Important Dates:
Executive Board Meeting: February 21, 2022
General Body Meeting: