Attendees: Clarice Ford- Kulah, Antionette Brown-Waithe, Alexis Harsh, Megan Wilson, Julie Horner
I. Call to order
Antionette Brown -Waithe called to order the regular meeting of the Brookwood High School PTSA at 7:01 pm. Clarice Ford-Kulah opened with prayer.
II. Roll call
Secretary Name Attendees:Clarice Ford- Kulah, Megan Wilson, Antionette Brown-Waithe, Alexis Harsh, Julie Horner
III. Approval of minutes from last meeting
The meeting minutes will be approved by next meeting.
IV. Open issues
a) Sweet Treats – 346 treats from Sam’s for staff and custodians. We would also need napkins or holders. Clarice will contact Principal Ford and Tricia Real to see if we can pass them out on 11/19. The total for this will be approximately $170.00. We need to send an email to Trica Real to let them know between 10:30 and 12:45.
b) Miss Brookwood – We extended the application deadline to November 15. We now have 51 applicants. We also started posting on social media on Facebook and the new Instagram page. Volunteers are still needed to assist with practices. Antionette would be there on Monday and Wednesday to assist. Antionette will ask Lisa Sperling to place a call for volunteers in Saddle Up. We will make signs as well and send email through memberhub as well.
c) We agreed not to do any events for the teachers in December.
V. New business
a) Fundraisers- My Brick – We will have a counter that shows the progress. Alexis will contact Lisa Sperling to see if we can add the information to Saddle Up. She will also check to see if she we can place an ad on the senior social media pages. Antionette Will check on a fundraising sign from VistaPrint.
b) School Liaison- Alexis will contact Trica Real and Principal Ford about a new liaison.
c) Treasurer report- October for 173 members 7.00 for a total of 1211.58.
d) The next meeting will be January 17, 2022, at 7:00 PM.
VI. Adjournment
Antionette Brown -Waithe adjourned the meeting at 7:34 pm.
Minutes submitted by: Antionette Brown-Waithe
Minutes approved by: