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Art Competition

What is the PTA Reflections Art Program? 


Reflections is a nationally acclaimed program that encourages students to explore their artistic abilities across various mediums. From visual arts to literature, music, photography, dance, and film, this program offers a wide range of categories for students to choose from. 


Participating in the Reflections Art Program offers numerous benefits: 

  • Creative Expression: This program provides a platform for your student to express themselves creatively, allowing them to communicate their thoughts, emotions, and perspectives through their chosen art form. 

  • Confidence Building: By submitting their artwork and receiving recognition for their efforts, your student's confidence and self-esteem can receive a significant boost. 

  • Skill Development: The process of conceptualizing and creating their entry can help your student refine their artistic skills and experiment with new techniques. 

  • Recognition and Awards: The program offers opportunities for recognition at school, district, state, and even national levels, showcasing your student's talents to a wider audience. 

  • Parental Involvement: Participating in this program can be a bonding experience for you and your student. It's a chance to support and celebrate their creative journey together. 

Submit Here

For all digital entries and applications, please email to the PTSA. All physical entries will be received in the media center on Monday, October 3rd from 10am to 12:30pm.

2023 Information

Each year, the Reflections Art Program has a unique theme that students can interpret through their artwork. This year's theme is “I am hopeful because…” Encourage your student to think creatively and explore various ways to express their ideas related to the theme in any of the following categories: 


  • Dance 

  • Music 

  • Special Artists 

  • Film 

  • Photography 

  • Literature 

  • Visual Arts 


Entries will be evaluated based on creativity, interpretation of the theme, and artistic merit.  Evaluations will be completed during the first week of October. We will celebrate all participants and announce which pieces will represent Brookwood for the Area 1 PTSA.  The winners from Area 1 will be announced in January and move on to the state level later in the spring.  


How can you get involved? 

Encourage your student to create a piece in their chosen art form.  

Assist them with completing the submission documents. 

Volunteer to serve as a judge or assist with preparing physical entries for submission. 


Important Dates 

Entry Submission Portal Opens: Wednesday, September 13th  

Entry Submission Deadline: Monday, October 2nd  

Reflections Awards Breakfast: Wednessday, October 25th 

Area 1 Reflections Awards Ceremony: January 2024 


If you have any questions or need assistance throughout the process, don't hesitate to reach out to us. We're here to support you and your student's creative journey. 


We can't wait to see the incredible creations your student brings to life! 

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