BHS PTSA General Meeting
September 19, 2022
1. Call to Order- 7pm
In attendance: Antionette Brown-Waithe, Lisa Bacon, Kat Sanford-Creary, Sherry Martin, Sonya Wright, Ricky Cheng, Chulete Providence, Kristen Bush, Regina Porter, Eden Woldai, Dr. Yovanda Horton, Carlene Walker, LaSonya Miles Cistrunk, Bhavini Shah, Edward J Ethridge, Cheryl Sams, Shelley Heffner, Tiffany Lupence, Elaine Williams, Wei Luo, Dr. James Winfrey, D. Joseph Haba, Angelia Hale, Bethany Bryant, Martina T. Watson, Qunyh Tran, Beverly Dunston, Yvonne Okoth, Angel Rodriguez, Ingrid Rodriguez, Fray Gordon-Bennett, Diana Belisario, Jamie Parker, Anna Haba
2. Welcome
a. Introductions
b. Homecoming parade is approaching- no need for workday, just a few volunteers to decorate the car at 3 for 4:30 start 3. Ongoing
a. Miss Brookwood
i. Our premier fundraiser, open to girls in 9th-12th grade
ii. Not necessarily a beauty contest, several categories
1. Poise
2. Essay
iii. One of our Brookwood queens won Miss Gwinnett County
iv. Need volunteers
b. Recent meeting with Dr. Savage: He will set a project or project for the PTSA. We can use those projects to set our fundraising goals, and this will help people can see where their money goes. c. Brick Walkway- Going to set tentative dates for walkway 4. New Business
i. Shooting Threat
1. Many parents in attendance because of concerns around the threat
2. Presidents Lisa and Antionette addressed it, directed them to contact Dr. Savage, stressed that keeping kids home in response is a family decision
3. Ricky Cheng asked about increased security for homecoming activities
4. We as PTSA will email administration asking for increased protection at homecoming events
5. We’ll also request excused absences for kids who missed because of this
6. Parents are extremely agitated, want increased police presence indefinitely
7. Kat recommended going to school board meetings
8. Antionette requested increased parental presence when there is not a threat, to impact policy, pointed out that Dr. Savage communicated immediately.
9. Jamie Parker identified himself as publisher of Brookwood Family Living, gave his phone number- 404.483.7816, offered to be a resource if he can.
ii. Discussion turned to mental health aspect of the situation
1. Kat discussed her business- team deals with credible threats, student and teacher support, calming rooms, other tools, de-escalation, practices to use in the moment. Need to support teachers, parents, and kids so that people have resources that they need. Helping schools decrease disciplinary problems, increase scores & life skills. Students are struggling, hurting, anxious, she’d love to see a program rolled out at Brookwood.
2. One parent, a mental health professional, stated that anxiety is contagious, and we need to be solution-focused and choice-driven, rather than spreading anxiety to our children. He identified himself as a man of faith and said that God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, love, and a sound mind.
3. Kat, speaking as parent rather than board member, offered to pray with people after the meeting.
iii. Moved on to PTSA business
1. Fundraising committee needs a new chair and volunteers
2. Reflections needs submissions and committee members
3. Parent asked about volunteer opportunities- we need help everywhere
4. Voting
a. Membership dues raised to $7- Antionette made the motion, Kat seconded, yes vote was unanimous
b. Approval of budget- Antionette made the motion, Lisa seconded, approval was unanimous
5. Adjournment- 8:23 pm, next meeting October 17th
6. Circle of prayer was held after the meeting in front of the school.